Tuesday 31 July 2012

Ek Bly 'n Bul- The iWalk series

Our manager/mommy
Nicola Brosnihan
When I am not studying, reading, writing or blogging, I dance for an entity that has its roots in radio, service provision and sport. Plainly put, I am a Vodacom Bulls Babe along with twenty other talents and the answer is, “I have no clue" to all of you queuing up to ask me anything about our delectable players. We may have the best seat at Loftus stadium but when the final whistle blows we all go our separate ways. The ladies I dance with all come from different backgrounds and beauty isn't their only claim as we have people studying or working in various corporate or entertainment disciplines from homeopaths, Bcomm accounting students, financial administrators, events managers, brand managers, accomplished drama and dance teachers and graduates but I think we unanimously agree that our favourite job is the one where we get to be girly in our make-up, bring sexy back in our game day gear and put on our "Sasha Fierce" personalities as we dance to an audience of hundreds and sometimes thousands!

 Game day preparation is always such a religious experience, the hustle and bustle that sets the tone of excitement while outfits are being distributed and organised, the clattering of make-up cases as we experiment with shades that transform us from girl next door to vixen, that subtle but intoxicating scent of all our different perfumes, hair spray and eyelash glue and the scuffle at the mirrors as we double and triple check that we have achieved a look that will sell the fantasy of a babe to the audience. I feel like a little girl as she watches in awe while her mother transforms herself into a beautiful butterfly and I am privileged to be a member of such a lively spirited group of ladies but it would all fall apart without a captain and my captain, Mrs. Nicola Brosnihan steers the team with such precision. I am never insecure about the management of our schedules, changes in outfits or the introduction of new girls because she has an eye for talent, personality and beauty.

 Our outfits, I must admit, are sometimes weather inappropriate and that does not dampen our gees one bit, infact it is during these moments where we have our most fun using dance, laughter and the energy from an enthusiastic audience to keep the chill at bay. Our game-day gear has borrowed inspiration from a time machine, with crop tops that have puffy sleeves, halter neck dresses, shorts and hoodies and the common thread that binds all our outfits, the diamante. The more bling the better! All in all we are reviving the 60's with a twist from the 2012 and who does not want to re-live an era that broke many fashion trends introducing box-shaped PVC dresses, the pillbox hat, go-go boots and of course the bikini. We are a brand that embraces the treasures of yesteryear and innovation of modern day fashion. Be sure to catch us in our new game-day gear, a body conturing unitard and our new sizzler of an opening routine on the 10 August 2012. Till then, live, laugh and love.

Monday 30 July 2012

With great winters come great responsibility- The iWalk Series

The day is 25th July, the air of spending spreads around Pretoria as the euphoria of pay day sinks in and it finally makes sense, the late hours in the office, the overbearing boss and complaints from the girlfriend/boyfriend who hardly gets to spend time with you. You have arrived.

I take this time to reflect on the impact that this winter has had on my life. One often associates winter with the end or the downtime of things but this winter has forcefully brought me to life in such an amazing way, affording me a chance to further my studies and challenge myself as I walk in a dream that I want to turn into reality and possibly be an employee for my favourite magazine. The one thing that the winter has stolen from me is my fashion sense. Being a summer baby, my hippie self thrives off summer dresses, high-waisted shorts, light crochet tops, open-toed shoes and shaved legs and although the winter has made it possible for me to start a small fire with my legs and gather some much needed layer of warmth around my waist most commonly known as the muffin top it, has rested my mind’s capacity for fashion innovation.

What interests me about this indecisive Pretorian winter, besides the hourly change of weather forecast, is how many of the citizens of this mad hatter city seem to just ‘GET IT’ when it comes to fashion. The winter here is much friendlier than in most parts of the country so its citizens have the upper and economic hand and can still get away with wearing their summer apparel and I must admit that my little green monster rears its ugly head when all I can come up with for a solid cold fighting outfit is a hoodie and track pants. I feel my bright spark personality fade into the persona of a sad house-wife who has lost her groove after getting too comfortable in the security of marriage. Thank the heavens that I am not confined solely to the four walls that make up my cosy apartment and that even though I may be fashion’s ugly step sister I have an eye that appreciates the effort, creativity and the absolute zeal that people have when it comes to what they put on. The streets of Pretoria merge into one huge canvas where the art is not dictated by trends but rather by emotion. Just as feisty as the weather, the citizens of the Jacaranda city wear their hearts on their fashion sleeves and it all comes together and sets the city ablaze in a kaleidoscope of colour.

The diverse people of Pretoria who take winter ever so seriously, who do not acknowledge it at all, those who take it with a pinch of salt and those make ‘fabulous on a budget’ look divine. I am inspired by your valiant efforts and as I soldier on towards my winter fashion journey I say a silent prayer for you all to live, laugh and love.